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Denmark Diaries: To Do: Danish Basics, Part 1

Ten more days to wait, then we’re off. Not with Denmark, but at least with Danish basics. I’ve been enrolled on the Danish beginners’ course at the university since the beginning of the week.

I’m currently still looking for an intelligent way to learn vocabulary. It will probably end up being an app that I can use to repeat a few words spontaneously on the tram. Vocabulary books weren’t a good idea last time: I tend to selectively forget even simple words - and I have to discipline myself too much to repeat complete lessons regularly. (In addition to the lack of opportunity to use my language skills soon, this was one reason why I couldn’t get past “Yo me llamo Max” in a Spanish course a few years ago).

In ten days, we’ll continue with the episode “Jeg hedder Max” - maybe even without asking Google first…