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Denmark Diaries: Den Hirschsprungske Samling
I had actually already been to the Hirschsprung Collection at the beginning of my time in Copenhagen, but the visit back then wasn’t particularly good: there was a guided tour for international students, but almost everyone in my group was talking extremely loudly all the time (you could overhear conversations two rooms away without any problems) and didn’t pay much attention to the art on the walls. That’s why I definitely wanted to come back again myself and with more peace and quiet and time.
I’ve finally managed to do that. During an extended lunch break, I once again visited the art collection of tobacco magnate Heinrich Hirschsprung, who mainly collected Danish art from the so-called “Golden Age”. The room with the Skagen painters and the very special light to be found in these paintings was particularly impressive.
The perfect break from university texts and your desk!