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RStudio Theme Collection Updates: November 2020

This month, I have released a major expansion of my collection of user-made RStudio themes regularly: 44 new themes have been added! In total, the collection contains now 87 dark themes and 18 light themes.

This is coming both from recent new releases of user-made RStudio themes and from a slightly adjusted search strategy to find them.

Here’s the full list of newly added themes:

  • dark themes: An Old Hope, Ayu Dark, Behave, Bluebell/JTheme, CobaltFlag, Darkula, EngineeringPad, Eye Salvation - Dark, Fringe, Grubber, gruxbox / KindOfGruxbox, gruboxr, Hackr Green, Happy Fall Y’All, IceWorld - Night, Material MM, Material Oceanic Next, Material Theme Darker, Mayukai Mirage Darker, Mojave Dark (rea-dded), Monokai Datashat Edit / MusicForProg, Monokai Mod, Mxblsdl, “My Theme”, Necklace Contrast, Northern Lights, One Dark, One Dark Tomorrow, OneHalfLight / KindOfDark, outRun, Panda Syntax, Pebble-Safe-Dark, rscodeio, Umi, Visual Studio Dark, VSCode Theme, Wombat
  • light themes: Dutch Delight, Espresso, Limelight, NHL Themes, Pebble-Safe-Light, Textmate (High Contrast Comments)